Association CEO Employment Contracts: Key Tips, Strategies, Pitfalls, and Best Practices

This sure-to-be popular session brings together two leading professionals in the association community – one of the top association attorneys who does extensive work in connection with CEO employment contracts and one of the top executive recruiters who has led hundreds of association CEO searches – to discuss new trends and challenges in association executive employment agreements. Hiring a new CEO is one of the most significant undertakings in the life cycle of an association, with far-reaching consequences for both the organization and the CEO. There are numerous strategies and tactics that can be employed by both sides to create advantages for each other. This session will focus both on the employment contract itself – key terms and provisions, options, and considerations – and on the hiring process, with an eye toward helping CEOs and aspiring CEOs understand how to most successfully navigate these complex, nuanced issues for their maximum advantage and benefit. Whether you are planning for the renewal negotiation of your existing employment agreement, contemplating the hiring and contract negotiation process with your next employer, or preparing for your first-time CEO job, this will be a dynamic and important session you will not want to miss.