90 Days to Success: Taking Charge of Your Personal and Professional Development

New to your role, asked to run a new project, getting a new boss, or wondering why you or your achievements are not getting noticed like you think they should? Or are you a little bored and in need of a spark to kick you back in gear?

This workshop is designed to give you a chance to take a breath or a break from the everyday rush and focus on you and your professional development.

You will create a plan of action to set yourself up for success the day you return from the workshop, including the next 90 days and beyond. We will review the tenets that comprise a positive professional presence, identifying areas in most need of a little more polish. 

We will map out an action plan for your tasks, key deliverables, and ways to get them done, all while exhibiting calm confidence. Finally, we will identify accountability partners as well as mentors who want you to succeed and can help you.